Fear Is Lack of Trust in Now

A man’s journey of embodying his presence

Patrick van Raalten
3 min readMar 31, 2022
Photo: ‘Trust the Now’ by author

For a long time I have been deeply inspired by the great teacher David Deida. The title of this story comes from his masterpiece for men; The Way of the Superior Man.

What does that mean; trust in the now? We write a lot about it and a lot has been said.

David Deida writes:

Fear is saying ‘no’ to some aspect of the present moment.

A lot of my daily spiritual work is precisely about that. In what way am I resisting or saying no? This is really deep work where you have to be willing to feel everything that is going on in your psyche.

This ‘no’ can live in repressed and subconscious parts of your being. It can be a giant no or a small no.

As soon as we resist the present moment fear sets in, sometimes subtle, sometimes in-your-face panic.

David Deida writes:

However vast it may be, reality is happening now, and it includes you.

Most of the time we don’t realise that this is what is happening. There are always feelings or situations we really don’t accept.



Patrick van Raalten

Multidisciplinary Artist. Painter, Musician, Photographer and Writer. Free as a bird. Let go, let go and let go. Instagram: instagram.com/patrickvanraalten