Embrace Your Feelings Of Insecurity

Patrick van Raalten
3 min readFeb 21, 2022


Photo: ‘Embrace your insecurity’ artwork by author

A lot of books have been written about being insecure and lots of methods, programs, therapies and strategies to ‘solve’ this ‘problem’ have come about. Self help books, courses and seminars are big business.

I am not saying you shouldn’t read those books and stop working on your problems. But there is great emphasis on trying to get rid of these feelings. To become more confident, stronger and the like.

And in this big and fast world where things feel like a rat race, it really seems that you should be secure, confident or else you just won’t make it. The only option that remains seems standing at the sidelines and look at all these secure and confident people making it.

But…..being insecure is precisely that. You are not secure about things. And there is nothing wrong with that. Sure there is our culture, families and friends that say you should know precisely what you and your life are all about.

Let’s be completely honest for a moment. I think that nobody really knows anything. Including me of course.

Yes, often it seems that way. That people know what they are all about. Take a look on your Facebook or Instagram timeline, read a paper or look online for some news. Or look at all these big brands and successful businesses.

I think it gets really interesting when we go beyond that superficial way of living and start to embrace our insecurities. When we look closer at being insecure, what do we really see? I think there is gold here.

Insecurity at its core is not knowing.

It takes a lot of courage to admit that you don’t know things. For me, every time I fully acknowledge that I don’t know, I feel liberated and full of joy. That is because I let go of control and admit I don’t have answers to a lot of things going on.

It takes a lot of courage to breathe through the anxiety and despair that not knowing evokes. We just have to remember the past two years of COVID-19.

It is perfectly okay to not know and admit that. It seems risky. Look at artists for example, they have to take these risks to evolve. And of course everybody on the spiritual path. Nothing fundamentally changes without leaving the known and entering the unknown.

Usually in our lives big and intense things have to happen first before we surrender to the unknown. A divorce, disease, losing a loved one.

First we have to embrace and welcome these seemingly unbearable feelings of insecurity. These vulnerable, anxious and desperate feelings that keep knocking on our door until we let hem in and welcome them.

And that is what we have to do. Embrace them and watch what happens. Embrace them completely. Yes, I know it seems impossible because you will get swallowed whole and that is scary.

But what would happen if you surrendered right now? What emerges after you have been swallowed whole?

You will never know if you stay on this side.

Surrender now!

I am curious to know what you think after reading this article. How do you cope with insecurity? Do you dare to let go of control? Do let me know in a comment.

If you feel inspired in any way feel free to follow. Thank you for taking the time and reading!



Patrick van Raalten

Multidisciplinary Artist. Painter, Musician, Photographer and Writer. Free as a bird. Let go, let go and let go. Life isn't about anything, so play!